New Faces and Roles at CRD

New Faces and Roles

Katherine Gentry joined CRD as a financial analyst on Jan. 16. She will oversee CRD’s  budget, purchasing and assets management. She comes with a private sector accounting background. 

David Armantrout came to CRD on Dec. 2 as our new facilities coordinator, keeping up with day-to-day maintenance of our campus. He has a background in construction. 

Lori Harlin “boomeranged” back to CRD also on Dec. 2 as our new federal grants coordinator. She previously worked for the Division as the CIG grants coordinator and is known for her sense of humor. 

Mariana Stonebreaker became a full-time permit coordinator recently. She previously worked on the aquatic barriers assessment. See the Oct. 2023 Coastlines article “Dirty Jobs” to learn more about the aquatic barriers project.

Justin Bythwood transferred from Marine Fisheries to the Shellfish and Water Quality Unit, and in that same shop, Michael Mock was promoted to a Marine Biologist 2. 

Dalas Roberts went full-time as a creel clerk after working in the unit part-time. 

Learn about careers with CRD and other divisions of DNR at