Recreational finfish season, limits, and sizes
A valid Georgia fishing license and free Saltwater Information Program (SIP) permit are required for fishing in Georgia's saltwater bodies.
A SIP permit is valid for 365 days from the date it was obtained, even if you purchase a lifetime or multi-year fishing license.
SIP permits must be renewed annually.
- Amberjack*
Season: All year
Limit: 1
Minimum size: 28" FLFederal regulations (3-200 nautical miles out): https://safmc.net/species/amberjack-greater/
- American Eel
Season: All year
Limit: 25
Minimum size: 9" TL- Atlantic Croaker
Season: All year
Limit: 25
Minimum size: None- Atlantic Sturgeon
No harvest
- Billfish (Blue marlin, White marlin, Sailfish)
- Black Drum
Season: All year
Limit: 15
Minimum size: 14" TL- Black Sea Bass*
Season: All year
Limit: 15
Minimum size: 12" TLFederal regulations (3-200 nautical miles out): https://safmc.net/species/sea-bass-black/
- Bluefish
Season: May 1 - Feb. 28 annually
Limit: 15
Minimum size: 12" FL- Cobia
Season: March 1 - Oct. 31
Limit: 1 per angler, maximum 6 per boat
Minimum size: 36" FL- Dolphin / Mahi Mahi
Season: All year
Limit: 10 (not to exceed 54 per boat, except headboats, which are allowed 10 per paying customer
Minimum size: 20" FLFederal regulations (3-200 nautical miles out): https://safmc.net/species/dolphin/
- Flounder
Season: All year
Limit: 15
Minimum size: 12" TL- Gag Grouper*
Season: All year
Limit: 2
Minimum size: 25" TL*Federal regulations (3-200 nautical miles out): https://safmc.net/species/grouper-gag/
- Mackerel, King*
Season: All year
Limit: 3
Minimum size: 24" FL*Federal regulations (3-200 nautical miles out): https://safmc.net/species/mackerel-king/
- Mackerel, Spanish*
Season: All year
Limit: 15
Minimum size: 12" FL*Federal regulations (3-200 nautical miles out): https://safmc.net/species/mackerel-spanish/
- Red Drum
Season: All year
Limit: 5
Minimum size: 14" TL (Maximum 23" TL)Red Drum are a gamefish in Georgia [O.C.G.A. 27-1-2 (36)(I)]. As gamefish, Red Drum may only be fished for with pole and line (rod/reel) [O.C.G.A. 27-4-5].
- Red Porgy
Season: All year
Limit: 3
Minimum size: 14" TL- Red Snapper*
Season: All year
Limit: 3
Minimum size: 20" TL*Federal regulations (3-200 nautical miles out): https://safmc.net/species/snapper-red/
- Sharks (other than hammerheads, small shark composite, and prohibited sharks)
Season: All year
Limit: 1 per angler or boat, whichever is fewer
Minimum size: 54" FL (83" FL for Shortfin Makos)These species are also federally managed. Go to https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/atlantic-highly-migratory-species/atlantic-highly-migratory-species-minimum-sizes-and-bag-limits for federal regulations.
- Small Shark Composite (Atlantic Sharpnose, Bonnethead, Spiny Dogfish)
Season: All year
Limit: 1 per angler
Minimum size: 30" FL- Prohibited Sharks
Sand tiger, Sandbar, Silky, Bigeye sand tiger, Whale, Basking, White, Dusky, Bignose, Galapagos, Night, Reef, Narrowtooth, Caribbean Sharpnose, Smalltail, Atlantic angel, Longfin mako, Bigeye thresher, Sharpnose sevengill, Bluntnose sixgill, Oceanic Whitetip, and Bigeye sixgill
- Sheepshead
Season: All year
Limit: 15
Minimum size: 10" FL- Spot
Season: All year
Limit: 25
Minimum size: None- Spotted Seatrout
Season: All year
Limit: 15
Minimum size: 14" TL- Striped Bass
Season: All year
Limit: 2
Minimum size: 22" TLSavannah River
Season: All year
Limit: 2
Minimum size: 27" TL- Tarpon
Season: All year
Limit: 1
Minimum size: 68" FL- Tripletail
Season: All year
Limit: 2
Minimum size: 18" TL- Weakfish
Season: All year
Limit: 1
Minimum size: 13" TL
State Regulations
(0-3 nautical miles offshore)
Georgia Hunting & Fishing Regulations and Seasons Guide (Website)
Georgia Hunting & Fishing Regulations and Seasons Guide (PDF)
Federal Regulations
(3-200 nautical miles offshore)
South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
Federal Highly Migratory Species Regulations (Tunas, Billfish, Sharks, Swordfish)
Printed copies of the Georgia Hunting & Fishing Regulations book are available at DNR offices and at participating fishing license vendor locations.