About the Georgia Clean Marina Program
A main attraction of coastal Georgia for both residents and visitors is the ability to get out onto the water, experience marshlands and creeks, and see marine life. This is commonly done by boat, and coastal Georgia has ample marinas at which to dock boats. These marinas are right on marshes and lead directly into waterways, so it is extremely important that they are utilizing environmentally clean practices.
The Georgia Clean Marina Program is a voluntary certification program allowing coastal Georgia marinas the opportunity to demonstrate their environmental stewardship through implementation of Clean Marina Best Management Practices (BMPs). Certified marinas will be eligible to fly the Georgia Clean Marina flag and use the logo in their advertising and promotional materials, signaling to potential clients their commitment to protecting coastal waterways. This Program is a partnership between the Georgia Marine Business Association (GAMBA), UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant, and Georgia DNR/Coastal Resources Division.
The first group of marinas were certified in the fall of 2023. The current cohort of marinas are working towards certification by early 2025. The next cohort of marinas will be invited to take the Clean Marina Pledge in January of 2025 and will complete their certification within one year. Please see below for instructions on how to apply. Applications are being accepted through December 31st, 2024.
Any coastal Georgia marina can apply to be a Clean Marina, and partners will work to accept as many annual applications as possible. All interested marinas are encouraged to review the information below before applying and to contact Kelly Hill (kelly.hill@dnr.ga.gov) if you have questions about the program.
Steps to Certification
- Apply to be considered for certification.
- There will be an open application period once a year with a form to fill out and submit to program partners. This is posted below, and partners will also send out an email with an inquiry form.
- A Clean Marina Committee comprised of representatives from each of the three partners will review applications and invite an annual cohort of marinas to continue with the following steps. The number of accepted applications will depend on our capacity for that year.
- Pledge
- Selected marinas will receive and sign a pledge committing to working toward full certification and implementation of Clean Marina Best Management Practices (BMPs). A $100 program fee will be due with the pledge form.
- An Online Orientation will be required and is scheduled for December 13th, 2024 at 10am.
- Self-assessment
- Pledged marinas must complete a draft self-assessment and submit to partners by March 1st, 2025. Program partners will review and provide feedback to marinas to address any deficiencies.
- Marinas will make any necessary changes and submit a final Clean Marina Certification Assessment Form by June 1st, 2025.
- Clean Marina Committee members will conduct a site visit to verify that the checklist items have been met.
- Certification and award recognition.
- Once certified, the marina will be presented with a Georgia Clean Marina flag and certificate at a ceremony at the marina.
- An annual self-evaluation (checklist) will be completed by each certified marina and sent to the Clean Marina Committee to confirm that the marina is still meeting checklist requirements.
- There will be a recertification site visit from the Committee every 3 years to review the checklist in more detail.
- If marina ownership or management changes, that marina must inform the committee. The committee will then assign an introductory Clean Marina Program training to the new staff.
How to Apply
Please download and fill out the Clean Marina Application Form that is linked below. You can fill out electronically and email to courtney.mcgill@uga.edu or print and mail to our office at:
GADNR Coastal Resources Division
Attn Kelly Hill
One Conservation Way
Brunswick, GA 31520
Applications are due by December 31st, 2024