Navigating the Waters of Fishery Management on Georgia's Coast
If you’ve ever enjoyed a fishing trip off Georgia’s coast or indulged in a seafood feast of shrimp and fish, you’ve experienced the direct benefits of thoughtful fishery management. Behind every regulation, from size limits to seasonal closures, are agencies working tirelessly to keep fish stocks healthy while ensuring fishing opportunities remain available.

Lane Snapper Added as New Record
CRD on Nov. 21 certified a Savannah man as a new state-record holder for a lane snapper (Lutjanus synagris). Marcus M. Hannon, 24, landed a lane snapper weighing 2 pounds, 15.8 ounces on Nov. 18 after bottom fishing at the Savannah Snapper Banks, approximately 30 miles east of Wassaw Sound. The fish measured 18 3/8 inches in total length with a girth of 12 1/2 inches.

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Finfish Advisory Panel Hears Red Drum Stock Assessment Results
The regional assessment's key findings revealed a concerning trend: red drum are both overfished (not enough fish in the population to reproduce at sustainable levels) and experiencing overfishing (too many fish being caught). Overfishing was determined based on a spawning potential ratio (SPR), which measures the reproductive capacity of the stock.
Editorial: Speak Up for Fisheries
The health and sustainability of our fisheries are vital not just for coastal economies and recreational opportunities, but also for the broader marine ecosystem. Decisions about how fish stocks are managed and protected shape the future of our waterways and the communities they support. Yet, these decisions aren’t made in a vacuum—they depend on public input to be truly effective and representative.

DNR Responds to Hurricane Helene with Unmatched Coordination
Hurricane Helene’s wrath swept through Georgia in late September, leaving behind unprecedented destruction. In the face of adversity, DNR mounted a swift, multifaceted response, combining efforts from all Divisions to safeguard lives, restore order, and assist communities.

Mariculture Zone Proposed for Glynn County
The proposed mariculture zone in Glynn County, located in Jointer Creek, will cover approximately 31 acres and include three 7.5-acre leases. Initially, three leases will be offered through a lottery process set to begin this month.

Winter Fishing Tips
Winter fishing isn’t just about the catch—it’s also about preparation. From selecting the right bait to layering up against the cold, understanding seasonal patterns and safety practices ensures anglers make the most of this rewarding time on the water.

CRD Retiree Spotlight: Cindy Smith
This time, we’re doing something special, because it’s an opportunity we couldn’t pass up. One of the longest-serving CRD employees, Cindy Sapp Smith, is retiring from CRD after spending 15,962 days with the agency. For those of you who aren’t mathematicians, that’s 41 years, 8 months, and 11 days. Or 383,088 hours. Or 22,985,280 minutes. But who’s counting?
New Faces and Retirements this Quarter at CRD
New Marine Educator Joins CRD; Second-Generation CRDer Joins Public Affairs Staff; Compliance & Enforcement Unit Lead Retiring After 25 Years

Wetlands Biologist Earns Employee of the Quarter
CRD is proud to announce wetlands biologist Meghan Angelina as the Employee of the Quarter for Fall 2024. Angelina was selected for her contributions protecting Georgia’s coastal resources and her dynamic presence both in the field and on national stages.

The Ultimate Beginning Angler Gift Guide
Does holiday gift giving have you floundering? Are you fishing for holiday gift ideas? The countdown to the holiday season is on, and while the temperatures have cooled and daylight hours are slim, it’s a perfect time to make fishing plans for 2025. Even better? Invite a new angler to join you next year by giving the gift of fishing and hook them up with all the items they’ll need on the water.
News Briefs
Marine Fisheries Staff Join Gray’s Reef Sanctuary Programs; Georgia Attends NEAMAP Gear Workshop in Virginia; Coastal Hazards Specialist Highlights Resilience Efforts; Brunswick First Friday Features Live Horseshoe Crab with CRD; Virtual Reef Dive Wows Skidaway Marine Science Day Crowd; Mangroves’ Movement Discussed at Georgia Colloquium; Fishery Leaders Tackle Research Topics at Committee Meeting; Living Shorelines Highlighted at Saltmarsh Initiative Meeting; CRD Experts Present at Environmental Conference; VFW Honors CRD’s Buck Bennett; CRD, LED partner for shellfish hazards training at MAREX.