The Coastal Resources Division (CRD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources is seeking applicants for a lottery to award three subtidal water bottom leases for commercial shellfish production in Glynn County. These leases are available for the purpose of mariculture of Eastern Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) using floating gear.
Each lease covers 7.5 acres and will be awarded at a cost of $150 per acre, totaling $1,125 annually. The lease areas are in Jointer Creek, directly west of the mouth of Cobb Creek, and are described on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Paper Nautical Chart No. 11504. A detailed map of the parcels is available by clicking here or on the CRD website CoastalGaDNR.org/GlynnShellfishLeases.
Qualified applicants will be ranked based on priority points, with emphasis on experience in handling and marketing molluscan shellfish. Successful leaseholders will be responsible for tagging cages and marking lease corners. For more information about the lottery process, lease requirements, and the available parcels, please consult the CRD Shellfish Policy Manual, and the Lottery Application for Subtidal Shellfish Mariculture Leases, both available by clicking here or at the at CoastalGaDNR.org/CommercialShellfishHarvest.
Important Details:
- Lottery Application Deadline: 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025
- Location for Submission:
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Coastal Resources Division
Attn: Dominic Guadagnoli
One Conservation Way, Suite 300
Brunswick, GA 31520-8686
Anyone with further questions may contact CRD’s Shellfish and Water Quality Program Manager, Dominic Guadagnoli, at 912-264-7218 or dom.guadagnoli@dnr.ga.gov.
Media Contact:
Tyler Jones
Public Information Officer
Coastal Resources Division
Georgia Department of Natural Resources