The Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking qualified applicants to serve on a variety of advisory panels.
Advisory groups play an important role in policymaking by providing input and advice to DNR’s Coastal Resources Division (CRD).
CRD has the following volunteer openings available:
- Blue Crab Advisory Panel: One commercial crabber.
- Finfish Advisory Panel: One recreational angler (must be a resident of a non-coastal county) and one commercial fisherman.
- Shrimp Advisory Panel: Three commercial trawlers and one commercial castnetter.
Fisheries advisory panels voice their opinions on fishery management decisions including opening and closing seasons, size and slot limits, allocation, and other matters. Advisory panel terms do not exceed the term of the Governor of Georgia at the time of appointment. Members can request a re-appointment. Panels consist of between 11 and 15 individuals with backgrounds in recreational and commercial fishing, seafood processing, and science. Commercial shrimpers, crabbers, and fishermen must possess a valid Georgia resident commercial fishing license and have reported landings during the two previous years, as well as other federal permits as required. Recreational anglers and shrimpers must have a valid Georgia fishing license (with associated Saltwater Information Program permit) and must not have a commercial license. More information, including a downloadable application, can be found at www.CoastalGaDNR.org/CitizenAdvisoryGroups.
Anyone wishing to apply for an advisory panel may contact Kathy Knowlton at kathy.knowlton@dnr.ga.gov or by calling 912-262-3122. The deadline for applying for an advisory panel is February 25, 2022.