The Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced the closure of the recreational Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) fishery in March and April 2022.
Georgia law allows for the Commissioner of Natural Resources, Mark Williams, to close a fishery for up to six months through an administrative order. This law gives the Commissioner flexibility in situations like the one affecting Bluefish.
Williams signed the administrative order Jan. 28 to close the Bluefish fishery for March and April. The administrative order is only valid for one year and must be re-issued annually if a closure is needed in future years.
Bluefish are a highly migratory species that occur from Maine to Florida. Population target levels are significantly below where fishery managers would like, and a fishery management plan has been in place since 1989.
The fast-growing fish live up to 12 years and can reach up to 31 pounds and 39 inches. The diet of Bluefish consists mainly of Menhaden and smaller fish such as Silversides. Large predators, including sharks and Swordfish prey on Bluefish.
The Coastal Resources Division of DNR is the state agency entrusted to manage Georgia’s coastal marshes, beaches, waters and fisheries for the benefit of future and present generations. More information is available at www.CoastalGaDNR.org or by calling 912-264-7218.
Members of the media who have questions or would like to interview subject-matter experts may contact CRD’s communications specialist, Tyler Jones, at 912-262-3140 or tyler.jones@dnr.ga.gov.