Glynn County Board of Commissioners, Coast Guard Park Enhancements, 4101 First Street, St. Simons Island, Glynn County, Georgia

Glynn County

This serves as notification from the Shore Protection Committee and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources of a request from Glynn County for a Shore Protection Act (SPA) permit under Official Code of Georgia (O.C.G.A.) 12-5-230 et seq. for the removal and installation of native landscaping, filling of a wetland, establishing a new beach driving access point, maintenance of an existing crosswalk, and installation of sand fencing and a portion of a sand volleyball court within the State’s SPA jurisdiction at Coast Guard Park located at 4101 First Street, St. Simons Island, Glynn County, Georgia.

The subject property plus the First Street right of way (ROW), both owned by Glynn County, is approximately 333,910sq.ft. (7.67 acres), of which 14,113sq.ft. (0.324 acres) is within SPA jurisdiction. The St. Simons Land Trust (SSLT) granted an easement to Glynn County for access to their property for a vehicular beach access on the southern portion of the project area along a trail formerly used by sailboats for beach access. The SSLT property totals 62,291sq.ft. (1.43 acres), of which approximately 1,176sq.ft. (0.027 acres) is within SPA jurisdiction. The area within jurisdiction consists of an existing boardwalk and beach access on the northern end of the property, existing footpath with plastic mesh matting on the southern end of the property, with maritime forest and a freshwater wetland area between the beach accesses.  

SPA Permit #457 was issued in March 2018 and authorized maintenance of the existing public crossovers on St. Simons Island, including the existing boardwalk at the north end of Coast Guard Park designated as public beach access 27. The existing 15.6ft. x 146.7ft. (2,288sq.ft.) wooden boardwalk begins on the upland and leads seaward, 278.5sq.ft. of which is within the SPA jurisdictional area. The boardwalk terminates at mesh mats (6.5ft. x 345ft.) which currently extends beyond the Ordinary High-Water Mark (OHWM). The applicant proposes demolition of the western, or landward, portion of the beach access and replacement with a concrete sidewalk connecting to the existing boardwalk, resulting in an additional 127sq.ft. of permanent impacts within the SPA jurisdictional area. The applicant will also remove any portion of the mesh mats extending beyond the OHWM. Upon completion, the northern beach access will terminate perpendicular to the shoreline, seaward of the existing dunes and landward of the OHWM.

The existing southern beach access at Coast Guard Park consists of 6ft. x 200ft. of plastic mesh mats lining a footpath leading seaward from the upland to provide access across the sand dunes. The current alignment of the path leads from Glynn County property and crosses into the property of the SSLT and St. Simons Coast Cottages Neighborhood Association Inc. The applicant proposes to realign the existing path away from the Coast Cottages property and designate it as an additional beach driving access point for emergency vehicles and county staff. To minimize disturbance to the sand sharing system, the majority of the existing path will be modified and maintained within the existing footprint. The existing matting will be removed and replaced with 10ft. x 445ft. of mesh mats leading seaward from the upland and terminating perpendicular to the shoreline, seaward of the existing dunes and landward of the OHWM. Temporary impacts associated with the abandonment and realignment of a portion of the existing path will be planted with native coastal vegetation. Temporary impacts within the dynamic dune field associated with the realignment will be 7,535sq.ft. and permanent impacts associated with the realignment of the southern beach access will be 4,450sq.ft.

Additionally, the applicant proposes the installation of a 0.0361 acre portion of sand volleyball court which will require grading and the addition of 200 cubic yards of fill to produce a level playing surface. All fill for the volleyball court will be beach quality sand and have a finished elevation of 9ft. The court will include permanent poles for the net to be mounted to and installed with post hole diggers and minimal concrete work to secure the poles. The installation of 160 linear feet (0.0034 acres) of sand fencing is proposed to prevent wind damage to the landscaping and volleyball court. As proposed, permanent impacts in SPA jurisdiction total 0.055 acres, including a 0.0091 acre portion of northern beach access, a 0.0064 acre portion of southern beach access, 0.0034 acre of sand fencing, and a 0.0361 acre portion of sand volley ball court.

The applicant also proposes temporary impacts within SPA jurisdiction over a total area of 0.118 acres to include the clearing of vegetation and replacement with native dune vegetation and fill of a 0.024 acre portion of freshwater wetland. The freshwater wetland will require 95 cubic yards of fill to be finished at an elevation of 7.5ft. A 0.178 acre natural area within SPA jurisdiction will remain unchanged. The area will be planted with native coastal vegetation. A final landscape plan depicting native coastal vegetation will be submitted for approval prior to conducting the work.

All work within jurisdiction will be accomplished with typical earth-moving equipment including excavators and skid-steer, as well as hand labor. Existing and proposed impacts within jurisdiction will total 0.055 acres (15.7%), approximately 0.296 acres. (84.3%) of the SPA jurisdictional area will remain in a natural or improved topographic and vegetative condition.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate that the project is not contrary to the public interest and that no feasible alternative sites exist. In passing upon the application for permit, the permit issuing authority shall consider the public interest which for purposes of this part shall be deemed to be the following considerations:  (1) Whether or not unreasonably harmful, increased alteration of the dynamic dune field or submerged lands, or function of the sand-sharing system will be created; (2) Whether or not the granting of a permit and the completion of the applicant's proposal will unreasonably interfere with the conservation of marine life, wildlife, or other resources; and (3) Whether or not the granting of a permit and the completion of the applicant's proposal will unreasonably interfere with reasonable access by and recreational use and enjoyment of public properties impacted by the project.

A detailed public notice with drawings has been distributed and is available by visiting the Department of Natural Resources website: under “Public Notices.”

Please provide this office with substantive, site-specific comments as to why the proposed work should or should not proceed. Comments and questions concerning this proposed project should be submitted in writing and be submitted by the close of business on March 2, 2025 to Beth Byrnes, Department of Natural Resources, One Conservation Way, Brunswick, Georgia 31520 or via email at

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Click here to view description.

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