Illustration by Dianne Rome Peebles
Men's Current Record
Name of Angler: Dwight Thornton
Hometown: Brunswick, Ga.
Weight: 3 lbs. 12 oz.
Total Length: 25 1/2 inches
Date of Catch: Aug. 9, 1977
Bait or Lure Used: Live Shrimp
Type of Fishing: Private Boat
Location of Catch: Hampton River, St. Simons Island, Ga.
Name of Weigh Station: Mac's Bait
Women's Current Record
Name of Angler: Marjorie Nightbert
Hometown: Pittsfield, Ill.
Weight: 5 lbs. 0 oz.
Total Length: 29 1/4 inches
Date of Catch: Aug. 10, 1978
Bait or Lure Used: Mullet
Type of Fishing: Party or Charter Boat ("Tradewinds")
Location of Catch: 3 miles north of Fernandina jetties, 150 yards off Cumberland Island, Ga.
Name of Weigh Station: Coastal Regional Headquarters, Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources, Brunswick, Ga.