Hurricane Helene Cleanup Information and Emergency Orders

Hurricane damaged beach crossover

Oct. 3, 2024

About this Emergency Order

In response to the effects of Hurricane Helene on Coastal Georgia, the Coastal Resources Division (CRD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has activated a series of emergency orders to expedite permit requests related to the repair and reconstruction of regulated activities in Georgia’s coastal communities and safeguard ecosystems while allowing for the efficient cleanup of debris. Parties must contact CRD prior to beginning work in areas under the jurisdiction of the Coastal Marshlands Protection Act (CMPA) or Shore Protection Act (SPA).

These orders, effective immediately, apply to all coastal counties (Brantley, Bryan, Camden, Charlton, Chatham, Effingham, Glynn, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, and Wayne) under the jurisdiction of the CMPA or SPA.

CRD’s Coastal Management Section announced the activation of the following Emergency Orders under the CMPA and SPA:

  • Emergency Order #3:  Removal of Boats and Debris (SPA)
  • Emergency Order #4:  Removal of Boats and Debris (CMPA)
  • Emergency Order #5:  Placement of Sandbags for Erosion Control (SPA)
  • Emergency Order #6:  Placement of Sandbags for Erosion Control (CMPA)
  • Emergency Order #8:  Reconstruction and Repair of Community Docks (CMPA)
  • Emergency Order #9:  Reconstruction and Repair of Commercial Docks and Marinas (CMPA)
  • Emergency Order #10:  Reconstruction and Repair of Erosion and Control Structures (CMPA)
  • Emergency Order #11:  Repair of Dikes (CMPA)
  • Emergency Order #12:  Removal of Sand from Private Property and Roads (SPA)
  • Emergency Order #13:  Reconstruction and Repair of Public Bridges, Roads, and Causeways (CMPA)
  • Emergency Order #14:  Reconstruction and Repair of Roads (SPA)

These orders will remain in effect for 180 days (expiring March 31, 2025), unless extended or deactivated by CRD. All parties conducting activities under these orders must ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, including the proper disposal of debris.

CRD remains committed to protecting both the natural environment and public infrastructure as Hurricane Helene recovery continues. Additional emergency orders may be issued as necessary based on evolving conditions.

Further Guidance and Frequently Asked Questions

The following guidance document provides information regarding activities within the marsh, waterways, and along beachfront properties. Please note that this guidance does not relieve individuals from obtaining proper local, state, and federal authorizations. You should coordinate with local governmental officials regarding upland disposal of debris (natural or man-made).

Debris and Boat Removal

In response to debris (natural or man-made) from the marsh, waterways, or along beachfront properties the Department has activated Emergency Orders #3 and #4. This allows for the removal of debris and relocation to an upland area. For information regarding upland disposal methods, please contact your local government officials.

Marsh Wrack

Marsh wrack typically consists of decaying saltmarsh grasses. In response to the large amount of displaced marsh wrack, the Department is allowing the removal of marsh wrack from upland areas under Emergency Orders #3 and #4.

Beach Sand Removal

In response to displaced sand on public and private upland property, the Department has activated Emergency Order #12. Emergency Order #12 allows for relocation of sand to adjacent dunes or beaches using hand tools. If mechanized equipment is needed to relocate large amounts, coordination with the Department is required. Sand must be free of man-made debris such as trash and construction materials.

Temporary Placement of Sand Bags

In response to erosion caused by Hurricane Helene, the Department can provide individual approvals for temporary placement of sand bags. The purpose of such sand bags is to provide temporary protection of upland properties until a long-term solution can be properly designed and approved. Please contact the Department for assistance.

Repairs to Private Docks, Shared Docks, Community Docks, Commercial Docks, or Marinas

Prior to undertaking major repairs or reconstruction of docks or marinas, property owners or managers must coordinate with the Department. Major repairs include the use of heavy equipment. To facilitate the Department’s review, property owners and managers should document existing conditions by taking photos, locating any pre-storm photos, locating any previous authorizations, and assessing what is needed to return property to pre-storm conditions.

Repairs to Erosion Control Structures (i.e. bulkheads, seawalls, rip-rap, living shorelines, etc.)

Prior to undertaking major repairs or reconstruction of erosion control structures property owners or managers must coordinate with the Department. Major repairs include the use of heavy equipment. To facilitate the Department’s review, property owners and managers should document existing conditions by taking photos, locating any pre-storm photos, locating any previous authorizations, and assessing what is needed to return property to pre-storm conditions.

Repairs to Dikes, Roads, Causeways, Culverts, and Bridges

Prior to undertaking major repairs or reconstruction of dikes, roads, causeways, culverts, and bridges in, on, or within the vicinity of the marsh, property owners or managers must coordinate with the Department. Major repairs include the use of heavy equipment. To facilitate the Department’s review, property owners and managers should document existing conditions by taking photos, locating any pre-storm photos, locating any previous authorizations, and assessing what is needed to return property to pre-storm conditions.

Next Steps & Contact Information

Prior to beginning storm-related cleanup activities regulated under the CMPA or SPA, please contact CRD permitting staff using the information below, organized by type of activity:

Marsh Jurisdictional Lines
  • Chatham, Bryan - Deb Barreiro 912-266-3695
  • Liberty, McIntosh, Glynn, Camden - Paul Tobler 912-264-7218 
Shore Jurisdictional Lines and all Beachfront Activities 
  • Chatham, Bryan, Liberty - Deb Barreiro 912-266-3695
  • McIntosh, Glynn, Camden - Beth Byrnes 912-264-7218 
Private Docks
  • Chatham, Bryan, Liberty – Mariana Stonebraker 912-264-7218
  • McIntosh, Glynn, Camden - Maitland Bass 912-264-7218 
Shoreline Stabilization-Living Shorelines/Riprap/ Bulkheads 
  • Chatham, Bryan, Liberty – Cheyenne Osborne 912-264-7218
  • McIntosh, Glynn, Camden - Maitland Bass 912-264-7218 
Community Docks, Commercial Docks & Marinas 

Cheyenne Osborne - 912-264-7218 

Utilities, GA DOT, and GA Ports Authority 
  • Liberty, Bryan, Chatham - Deb Barreiro 912-264-7218
  • Camden, Glynn, McIntosh - Paul Tobler 912-264-7218 
Coastal Cities & Counties 
  • Chatham, Bryan, Liberty - Deb Barreiro 912-266-3695
  • McIntosh, Glynn, Camden - Paul Tobler 912-264-7218 
Federal Consistency 

GA Coastal Management Zone - Kelie Moore 912-264-7218 

EPD/LIA Coordination Regarding E&S 
  • Chatham, Bryan, Liberty - Deb Barreiro 912-266-3695
  • McIntosh, Glynn, Camden - Paul Tobler 912-264-7218 
Beach Driving Authorizations 

Coastal Counties - Cindy Ridley 912-264-7218 

Compliance & Unauthorized Activities

Buck Bennett - 912-264-7218 

Waterbottoms Leases 

Clayton Davis - 912-264-7218 

Academic Research 

Meghan Angelina - 912-264-7218 

Associated Documents