NOLA-ROMA Salt Company LLC, Construction and Maintenance of Amenities Associated with a Single-Family Residential Structure including a Pool, Deck, Stairs, Covered Porches, Stormwater Infrastructure, and Landscaping, 16 Sanctuary Place, Tybee Island, GA

Chatham County

This serves as notification from the Shore Protection Committee and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources of a request from NOLA-ROMA Salt Company, LLC for a Shore Protection Act (SPA) permit under Official Code of Georgia (O.C.G.A.) 12-5-230 et. seq., for amenities associated with a single-family residential structure including a pool, deck, stairs, covered porches, landscaping, and stormwater drainage infrastructure within the State’s SPA jurisdiction at 16 Sanctuary Place on Tybee Island, Chatham County, Georgia.

The applicant’s property, Lot A-1, a Recombination of Lots 7, 8, and a Portion of Lot 6, is approximately 37,376sq.ft. (0.858 acre), of which 18,216sq.ft. (0.418 acre) is located within the  SPA jurisdiction. Currently, the parcel is unimproved and the area within SPA jurisdiction landward of the landward toe of dune consists of native coastal vegetation (1,860sq.ft. / 0.043 acre). Seaward of the landward toe of dune is an enhanced, man-made sand dune with a public beach (16,356sq.ft. / 0.375 acre) that is maintained by the City of Tybee Island (COTI). The southern limits of the parcel are within the State’s Coastal Marshlands Protection Act (CMPA) jurisdiction. No impacts are proposed to CMPA jurisdiction.

The applicant is proposing to construct and maintain an elevated two-story single-family residence with amenities in SPA jurisdiction. Impacts on the ground floor include a portion of the residence’s concrete pad (553sq.ft.). An elevated pool (178sq.ft.) will be installed within the footprint of the concrete pad seaward of the residential structure. A spiral staircase (22sq.ft.) will provide access to the first story deck (211sq.ft.) and second story covered porch (41sq.ft.), both of which are within the footprint of the ground level concrete pad. The remainder of the yard in SPA jurisdiction will be used to improve drainage (9sq.ft.) and landscaped using native coastal vegetation (522sq.ft.; 0.012 acre).

Proposed impacts to SPA jurisdiction total approximately 1,106sq.ft. (0.025 acres). Temporary impacts associated with site preparation include clearing, grading, filling, and removal of trees in SPA jurisdiction. The parcel is immediately adjacent to the COTI’s Byers Street public access dune crosswalk. A private dune crosswalk is not proposed.

As proposed, impacts to SPA jurisdiction would be approximately 1,106sq.ft. (0.025 acres). Approximately 17,110sq.ft. (93%) of the State’s jurisdictional area will be retained or improved to a more natural vegetated and topographic state.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate that the project is not contrary to the public interest and that no feasible alternative sites exist. In passing upon the application for permit, the permit issuing authority shall consider the public interest which for purposes of this part shall be deemed to be the following considerations:  (1) Whether or not unreasonably harmful, increased alteration of the dynamic dune field or submerged lands, or function of the sand-sharing system will be created; (2) Whether or not the granting of a permit and the completion of the applicant's proposal will unreasonably interfere with the conservation of marine life, wildlife, or other resources; and (3) Whether or not the granting of a permit and the completion of the applicant's proposal will unreasonably interfere with reasonable access by and recreational use and enjoyment of public properties impacted by the project.

A detailed public notice with drawings has been distributed and is available by visiting the Division's website: under “Public Notices”.

Please provide this office with substantive, site-specific comments as to why the proposed project should or should not proceed. Comments and questions concerning the proposed project should be submitted in writing by the close of business on September 7, 2024 to Deb Barreiro at or Department of Natural Resources, One Conservation Way, Brunswick, GA 31520.

Click here to view application.

Click here to view description.

Click here to view drawings.

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