TO: All Interested Persons and Parties
FROM: Doug Haymans
SUBJECT: Notice of proposed amendments to Subject391-2-1 of the Rules of the Department of Natural Resources to establish rules for private docks located over state-owned tidal water bottoms
Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to authority set forth below, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources proposes to amend Subject 391-2-1 of the Rules of the Department of Natural Resources to establish rules for private docks located over state-owned tidal water bottoms by amending Rules 391-2-1-.01 through 391-2-1-.08 and creating new Rule 391-2-1-.09. This is a notice of the proposed amended rules to reflect the deliberations of the Coastal Committee of the Board of Natural Resources at its meeting on January 23, 2024.
The amended and new rules are being promulgated under the authority of the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated Title 12-2-4, 12-2-24 and 12-3-32. Subject 391-2-1 is being amended to codify the standards and conditions for issuance of a revocable license authorizing construction, maintenance, reconstruction, or modification of private docks located over state-owned tidal water bottoms.
The proposed standards and conditions will be consistent with those previously required in a general permit for private docks located over state-owned tidal water bottoms as issued to the State of Georgia by the United States Army Corps of Engineers pursuant to the Rivers and Harbors Act. The general permit expired in 2022 and was not renewed by the Corps. Therefore, these rules codify the standards of the most recent general permit so the affected public understands what is expected with regard to the construction, maintenance, reconstruction, or modification of private docks in tidal areas.
A public hearing will be held Thursday, Feb.15, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at the College of Coastal Georgia, Stempler Auditorium, 1 Mariner Way, Brunswick, GA 31520.
Written public comment will be received through Friday, March 15, 2024. Comments should be legible, concise, and limited to the proposed rule change. Following the comment period, the Board of Natural Resources will consider the proposed rule on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 9:00 AM at the Jekyll Island Convention Center, 75 Beachview Drive N., Jekyll Island, Georgia 31527.
Mail or email comments to:
Jill Andrews,
Coastal Resources Division
One Conservation Way,
Brunswick, GA 31520
Additional Resources
- Briefing materials submitted by Coastal Resources Division to the Board of Natural Resources (Jan. 23, 2024)
- Historical Overview: Private Recreational Dock Management in Georgia (by Jill Andrews, Chief of Coastal Management)
- Table: Comparison of Private Dock Specifications by State (Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida)
- Table: Programmatic General Permit 83 - History of Recreational, Single-Family Docks