Coastal Incentive Grant Awardees

Oyster reef and smooth cordgrass surrounding a small tidal creek.

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2023 Cycle 27 Coastal Incentive Grant Awards (10/1/24 - 9/30/25)

Project Title


Year 1-Initial Signs of Success? A Holistic Investigation of the Effectiveness of State and Federal Restoration Efforts in the Satilla River Estuary, GaAugusta University
Year 1- Historic Research Vessel Kit JonesMcIntosh County Board of Commissioners 
Year 1-Determining Germination Success and Seedling Recruitment of Spartina Alterniflora Under Natural Marsh ConditionsGeorgia Southern University
Year 1- First Floodplain, Second Stormwater_ Kingsland’s Path Towards Increased ResiliencyCity of Kingsland

If you are currently working on a Coastal Incentive Grant or Administrative Award, please click on the links below for helpful information:

CIG - Summary of Terms, Cycle 27 PDFCoastal Incentive Grant- Summary of Contract Terms Cycle 27 (PDF)

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Tybee Island Dunes and beach access boardwalk

CIG Applicant Portal Link

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Watch the tutorial here or contact Shy Duncan at or (912) 264-7218 (office) 912-602-8302 (Direct)