Coastal Incentive Grants Deliverables

Sea oats by the shoreline

DNR photo.

CIG Applicants

Current CIG Awardees

Past CIG Grants

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Completed Coastal Incentive Grant Results and Deliverables

Access the CIG Awards Database

Information on all Georgia Coastal Management Program granted subaward funded projects, project reports, and final deliverables are available to the public through the CIG awards database. 

Coastal Incentive Grant StoryMapsExample screen captures from the CIG storymaps.

Check out these interactive StoryMaps about funded Coastal Incentive Grants! These will be updated as projects are completed so check back for more information.

CIGs 2020-2021 (Cycle 23)

CIGs 2019-2020 (Cycle 22)

CIGs 2018-2019 (Cycle 21)


Learn how to apply for a CIG grant