Please join the GA Coastal Management Program for a Brownbag Presentation on the East Brunswick Tide Control Project by Garrow Alberson (City of Brunswick) and Ben Pierce (GWES).
The City of Brunswick’s Stormwater Masterplan (SWMP), updated in 2020, describes tide control as a growing challenge for the City’s stormwater management and infrastructure maintenance program. The SWMP identifies priority areas where improvements may have significant impacts on infrastructure performance and community safety and well-being.
The City was awarded a Coastal Incentive Grant through the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Coastal Resources Division to address tide control issues at stormwater outfalls along the City’s eastern boundary. The City implemented the East Brunswick Tide Control project to address tide control at three (3) priority areas identified in the SWMP. Project plans were completed to include outfall improvements at 10 City stormwater outfalls. Six (6) are located in the Riverside neighborhood. One (1) is located at the east end of Parkwood Drive. Two (2) are located along US Highway 17 near the Lanier Plaza. All outfall improvements include the installation of a Tideflex brand exterior check valve and end treatment. Standard end treatments, including headwalls and rip rap are included at all outfalls.
Speaker Bios:
Garrow Alberson, P.E.
Garrow is a local engineer with several years of experience in coastal site development including design and construction of storm water management features. He currently works as the City Engineer and Public Works Director for the City of Brunswick where he is responsible for management of the storm drainage systems within the city. Responsibilities include capital improvement planning and construction, maintenance of drainage systems, and compliance with state and federal regulatory agencies. Garrow is also a Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM), and additional responsibilities include service as the city’s Floodplain Manager and Community Rating System (CRS) coordinator. Each of these additional duties involves an aspect of runoff reduction, water quality treatment, and efforts to reduce flooding from storm events.
Ben Pierce, P.E.
Mr. Pierce has over 20 years of experience in the field of civil engineering. He has extensive experience in environmental permitting and reporting, municipal capital improvement program management, municipal development review, municipal engineering and maintenance policy development, project construction management, development of drainage, sidewalk, and roadway construction plans, transportation planning studies, and traffic operations studies and design. Prior to joining GWES, Ben spent seven (7) years with Glynn County Public Works, overseeing the design, permitting, construction, and maintenance process for numerous projects.
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Please contact Kelly Hill at Kelly.Hill@dnr.ga.gov with any questions.