This serves as notification from the Coastal Marshlands Protection Committee and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources of a request from Stephen R. Lufburrow and Deborah L. Howell for a Coastal Marshlands Protection Act (CMPA) permit under Official Code of Georgia (O.C.G.A.) 12-5-280 et seq., to construct two bulkheads along a causeway providing access to 105 Back Landing Way located on Delegal Creek, Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. The proposed project is under 1/10 of an acre, and therefore may be considered a minor alteration of coastal marshlands under O.C.G.A. 12-5-280 et. seq.
Due to erosion of the shoreline, the applicant proposes to construct two concrete bulkheads, one on each side of the causeway. The bulkhead on the north side of the causeway will be approximately 255 linear feet with 20.4 cubic yards of backfill. Impacts to coastal marshlands for the northern bulkhead will be 574sq.ft. The bulkhead on the south side of the causeway will be approximately 244 linear feet with 14.64 cubic yards of backfill. Impacts to coastal marshlands for the southern bulkhead will be approximately 366sq.ft. After completion, total impacts to the marshlands component of the project will be approximately 940sq.ft. (0.02 acre).
The upland component of the project will consist of 4,917sq.ft. (0.1 acre) of upland causeway which is necessary for access and construction for the marshland component of the project. Impacts to the upland component involves temporary placement of construction equipment and materials. Upon completion of the marshland component, the road of the causeway will be returned to grade and permanently stabilized, then surfaced with the previous material.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate that the project is not contrary to the public interest and that no feasible alternative sites exist. Impacts to coastal marshlands must be minimal in size. In passing upon the application for permit, the Coastal Marshlands Protection Committee shall consider the public interest: (1) Whether or not unreasonably harmful obstruction to or alteration of the natural flow of navigational water within the affected area will arise as a result of the proposal; (2) Whether or not unreasonably harmful or increased erosion, shoaling of channels, or stagnant areas of water will be created; and (3) Whether or not the granting of a permit and the completion of the applicants proposal will unreasonably interfere with the conservation of fish, shrimp, oysters, crabs, clams, or other marine life, wildlife, or other resources, including but not limited to water and oxygen supply.
A detailed public notice with drawings has been distributed and is available by visiting the Department of Natural Resources website: under “Public Notices.”
Please provide this office with substantive, site-specific comments as to why the proposed work should or should not proceed. Comments and questions concerning this proposed project should be submitted in writing and be submitted by the close of business on February 28, 2024 to Cheyenne Osborne, Department of Natural Resources, One Conservation Way, Suite 300, Brunswick, GA 31520 or via email at
Click here to view application