Richard J. Lenz and Wendy Hawke Lenz, Installation and Maintenance of Residential Hardscape and Landscaping, 1927 #A Chatham Avenue, Tybee Island, Chatham County, Georgia

Chatham County, Georgia

This serves as notification from the Shore Protection Committee and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources of a request from Richard J. Lenz and Wendy Hawke Lenze for a Shore Protection Act (SPA) permit under Official Code of Georgia (O.C.G.A.) 12-5-230 et. seq., for amenities associated with an existing single-family residential structure including hardscape and landscaping within the State’s SPA jurisdiction located at 1927 #A Chatham Avenue, Tybee Island, Chatham County, Georgia. The proposed project is considered a minor activity under O.C.G.A. 12-5-230 et. seq.

The applicant’s property, Lot 3B, is approximately 26,888sq.ft. The area landward of SPA jurisdiction (4,268.5sq.ft.) includes an existing single-family residential structure. There are currently no existing impacts within SPA jurisdiction associated with the parcel. Within SPA jurisdiction, landward of the most landward toe of dune (4,246.5sq.ft.), the applicants proposes the construction and maintenance of approximately 483.5sq.ft. hardscape to include a walkway, patio, and bog garden area. Approximately 20 linear feet of PVC pipe will supply a 10ft. x 5ft. bog garden area with rainwater collected landward of SPA jurisdiction. Fresh water will be supplied to maintain moisture seasonally during dry weather. Additionally, new landscaped areas will include 1,566sq.ft. of naturalized beds surrounding approximately 536sq.ft. of lawn. Total impacts for the proposed project within SPA jurisdiction are approximately 2,585sq.ft. Temporary impacts associated with site preparation include removal of clearing, grading, and fill. The parcel’s vehicular easement is adjacent to the City of Tybee Island’s public access dune crosswalk at Chatham Avenue. A private dune crosswalk is not proposed.

As proposed, impacts to SPA jurisdiction total approximately 2,655sq.ft. (0.06 acre). Approximately 19,674.5sq.ft. (88%) of the SPA jurisdictional area will be retained in its natural vegetative and topographic state.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate that the project is not contrary to the public interest and that no feasible alternative sites exist. In passing upon the application for permit, the permit issuing authority shall consider the public interest which for purposes of this part shall be deemed to be the following considerations:  (1) Whether or not unreasonably harmful, increased alteration of the dynamic dune field or submerged lands, or function of the sand-sharing system will be created; (2) Whether or not the granting of a permit and the completion of the applicant's proposal will unreasonably interfere with the conservation of marine life, wildlife, or other resources; and (3) Whether or not the granting of a permit and the completion of the applicant's proposal will unreasonably interfere with reasonable access by and recreational use and enjoyment of public properties impacted by the project.

A detailed public notice with drawings has been distributed and is available by visiting the Division's website: under “Public Notices”.

Please provide this office with substantive, site-specific comments as to why the proposed project should or should not proceed. Comments and questions concerning the proposed project should be submitted in writing by February 12, 2025 to Deb Barreiro, Department of Natural Resources, One Conservation Way, Brunswick, GA 31520 or via email at

Click here to view application.

Click here to view description.

Click here to view drawings.

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